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Eco-pedagogy and Tourist Guides:

Lilyane & Ertice +261 32 89 358 26

Lot 45K Rue Tananarive
PO BOX 134
Antalaha, Madagascar

Head office: Tel: +261 32 07 161 01


Macolline is a 25 acre native forest in a region of Northeastern Madagascar founded by Marie-Hélène Kam Hyo.

This area has experienced intensive degradation for over a century. Macolline has been committed to the protection and reforestation of native Malagasy species in accordance with UNESCO’s conservation priorities. The maintenance of Macolline provides jobs for many villagers therefore any money raised for Macolline, helps to support C.A.L.A. ~Comité d’Aide aux Lépreux d’Antalaha (Leprosy Relief Committee of Antalaha) Macolline is a combination of natural preservation, protection and enhancement of the Malagasy environment. The site includes a 10 hectare hill consisting of species of primary (original) forest, fruit trees and commercial species. Along a river and facing the Indian Ocean, 3 km from the town of Antalaha, Macolline is an exceptional site for nature lovers, students, scientists and botanists.


Our goal is to ensure that Macolline becomes an open book education project, welcoming local schools to see first hand the deteriorating environmental issues in Antalaha and Madagascar on a whole. Awareness to promote community participation is the main vision.

Macolline is located 3km north of the town of Antalaha on a hill of 10 hectares of forest in the north-east of Madagascar, degraded by intensive development culture for over a century. Among the sites of the World Heritage list of UNESCO, the forest north of the country is a top priority for conservation in Madagascar and around the world. National and international mobilization is required to assist the nature while respecting the environment.

Macolline is striving for reforestation with native species grouping different endemic species according to the conservation priorities of UNESCO. With tens of thousands of trees, 600 species of indigenous precious and semi-precious trees, planted fruit trees and a variety of fauna including chameleons, butterflies, insects, nocturnal lemurs etc… Macolline has participated for over 10 years fighting against deforestation and using reforestation work effectively for making this place a botanical trail accessible to all locals.


Association for the protection of Macolline (APM) was established as a non-profit organization in 2010 with Malagasy and international members. Since the creation of the APM, Macolline today is an exceptional site for nature lovers, as well as scientists and botanists. Macolline is an ethno-botanical trail including guides that are trained by the MNP (Madagascar National Park) and provide a teacher training role for students and Malagasy students as well as visitors from abroad.


Founded in 2001, Macolline is open to receive tourists, students, scientists etc… For an entertaining full day, the site features a walking trail, a pirogue (dugout canoe) ride through rice fields and rainforest and a brickyard and end the day with a delicious picnic facing the Indian Ocean.

In addition to the traditional activities of the tourist park, the site seeks to increase the awareness to the various Malagasy forest species like medicinal plants and their uses. The site also allows each visitor to plant a tree and thus contributing to the preservation of the site and threatened species and also contributing to reforestation.

This is especially needed here on the east coast of Madagascar where the forests are strongly threatened. 

Macolline is also a location where researchers and botanists from around the world come to observe and study unique species. A new species of Clerodendrum was discovered at Macolline and blooms only once a year in May/June. Named Clerodendrum kamhyoae after the founder; Marie-Helene Kam Hyo and her father Jean Kam Hyo.

Click here to read more.

CLICK HERE for a Youtube video clip of Macolline


View of the Indian Ocean, half way to the top of Macolline.

One thought on “MACOLLINE.ORG

  1. coucou, ce site est magifique, ô “macolline” on s’ y croit, que tu es belle, verdoyante, tes beaux arbres sont là devant nos yeux, on se sent bien et ému rien qu’en pensant à tes petits sentiers, quand on a visité une fois, on a envie de revenir ,souvent je pense à toi arbres endémiques j’entends encore les chants des oiseaux perchés sur vos branches cachés ici et là, plusieurs à la fois, je sais que la-bas, tu demeureras du haut de ton sommet tu guettes ceux qui arrivent de loin ou de près te rendre visite, Nathalie

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